Posts Tagged ‘stupid’

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat that doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me,
And I shall spend my pension
on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals,
and say we’ve no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I am tired,
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells,
And run my stick along the public railings,
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick the flowers in other people’s gardens,
And learn to spit.
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat,
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go,
Or only bread and pickle for a week,
And hoard pens and pencils and beer mats
and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry,
And pay our rent and not swear in the street,
And set a good example for the children.
We will have friends to dinner and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me
are not too shocked and surprised,
When suddenly I am old
and start to wear purple!

(‘Warning’ by Jenny Joseph)

I encounter, a little too often, people who wish to remain young forever. Those who wish to live the “best” part of their lives forever and ever. But how can something stay valuable if it’s available in such abundance? Isn’t it the very fact that the best is available in bits and pieces that makes it so precious? Surely there’s something that the lunatic inside you fancies.

I don’t have any qualms about aging. But what freaks me out is growing up.

I have been told by many, on a number of occasions, that I often act immature/crazy/childish/stupid/juvenile. Some have been in a positive light but most….well, not so positive. Others may perceive this in their own way, but I honestly consider this a compliment. Can you imagine not being able to enjoy the little things in life? The slapstick humour you throw around to keep the mood light and goofy? Or the crazy idiotic things you go through to get that satisfied grin on your face!

That's what I'm talking about!

Shaving my chest hair to form an “F” (a hairy one) and flaunt it, getting drunk and swimming in the college pool at 3 in the morning, sporting a new “radical” look, borrowing the carpenter’s power drill for a little “me-time”, screaming in a church, painting/scribbling random thoughts on your clean wall, walking 6-7 km back home as a result of lethargy to hitch a cab, playing superhero in my head while waiting for an interview, driving an hour to the airport with friends at 3 A.M to find the only open coffee place around with a good ambiance, getting caught in college with a stash of booze and bribing the authorities with the same booze, standing by your friends when your chances of saving a black eye looks really bleak, breaking a brand new guitar to know how it feels to be a rockstar & so on & so forth……..

Umm...Trendy makeover?

Hallowed be thy name, BIATCH!








My friends say that we’ll look back at our endeavours many years down the line and think of the old times. But that’s not nearly good enough! I say we should look back at them and try to top them! Granted, we may not be capable of similar feats then, but I wish I could be foolish enough to try.

Is it so wrong to want to be incarcerated just for the sake of experience? Or to walk up to a stranger on the street and tell them how lovely they look? I intend no malice. I only wish to enjoy the one shot I have at life. When was the last time you pulled off some random shit just for the heck of it? A prank call, a run in the rain, a bite of something inedible, whatever… Don’t take life, or yourself, too seriously. Shit happens. Deal with it. Move on. More shit will happen.

You don't say!

Welcome to the age of stupid. Tough things are getting easier and the easy stuff doesn’t even need to be done anymore. Sparkly vampires wrapped in flour are considered bad-ass and “reality shows” that hook celebrities to safety gear and calls them daring are considered cool. Paris Hilton’s dog rivals Obama in publicity. The average 15- to 24-year-old now spends about 8 minutes reading each day and anyone without an Ipod is considered from the stone age.

Omegle is one site that lets you talk to random strangers while staying anonymous. A good way to kill some time at others’ expense. I had a go at it a few times and the chat below is one of the examples of the kind of people you can meet. We tend to hang around sane people like ourselves but if we look at the whole world, its mind boggling to see how many people are way over the line of being called not-so-smart.

I was reading a few blogs about instances that made me want to just facepalm and go AAAAA!. There’s the mother who insists her child get a pair of glasses that are much too big for him, because he will “grow into them”, courses for people who are not smart enough to use their smartphones, a gay rights protestor holding up a sign that says “Homosexuals are Gay” & of course, GOD! (Didn’t think I’d leave out the best selling fictional character of all times, did you?!)

So often I’ve read how people blame the new age technologies or the internet for being the cause of the stupid era. I beg to differ. The world we live in is a global one. We now have the resources to limitless knowledge. Wether you use it to access porn or discovery, that’s upto you! We are force fed large doses of shows that promote mediocracy. Leave me alone you incompetent idiots. You’re killing my gray cells!! I didn’t really want to make this post regarding my take on why ‘Generation Y’ seems to be getting dumber by the day, so gonna leave you to think it over….